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Karate schváleno MOV na letní OH do TOKIA 2020
Karate schváleno MOV na letní OH do TOKIA 2020

Oficiální zpráva od prezidenta světové federace WKF

Dear President,

It is a great honour to inform you of the confirmation of the official decision made by the Session of the International Olympic Committee in Rio de Janeiro to include Karate in the program of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. The achievement of this significant objective - which was obtained with the work and effort of all of us - represents a source of pride and joy that we should share with our affiliates. In this context, I deem of great importance that we use this memorable moment to strengthen our excellent position in the global sports context, thus communicating to our associates and society in general in a unified and homogeneous way a number of concepts and messages in order to contribute to the growth of our sport, of the WKF and of its National Federations members. With the joy and satisfaction of being able to live this historic moment, please receive my heartfelt greetings.

Antonio Espinós Ortueta

WKF President

Napsal admin 09.08.2016 07:03:38 (0 komentářů) | Zobrazeno 2254x | Soutěže | Tagy: oh

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